Monday 3 June 2013

Leibster Award Fun

 Hey all :) I have been nominated for a Leibster Award by Polkodots and Lipgloss and by All You Need is Love and Cake - please check out these two blogs :) The Leibster Award is awarded to new but recommended blogs with less than 200 followers.

What happens if you get nominated?
1. Each nominee should answer the 11 questions by the blogger who nominated them
2. Choose 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to pass the award to and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for the chosen blogs
4. Go to their page and tell them about their nomination
5. No tag backs
 Questions asked by Christina @ Polkadots and lipgloss
1) What was the last thing you bought?
Cravendale milk for my toddler 
 2) What is your favourite film? 
The notebook
 3) What is your favourite beauty brand? Why? 
I love Revlon for their foundation; Barry M nail varnishes and eye dust and l'oreal hair products
 4) Justin Timberlake or Matt Damon? 
I love JT
 5) If you could only use 3 beauty products for the rest of your life what would they be? Why? 
 Foundation because I have flawed skin, mascara because my eyes look dull without it and a moisturiser to keep my skin in tip top shape :)
 6) Do you dress for comfort or style? 
Both, uncomfortable is not a good look
 7) Heels or flats? 
Flats due to my pelvic girdle syndrome, heels aggravate my back pain
 8) Describe your style in 4 words.
Varied, Unique, Classy, Natural
 9) Apple or Microsoft? 
 10) Where in the world do you dream of visiting? 
 11) If you could spend a day with one celebrity who would it be? Why? 
Kim Kardashian because I love her style and would love to go shopping with her haha x
Questions for my nominees:
1.Why did you start blogging?
2. What inspired your blog title?
3.What was your first blog post about?
4.Do you remember the first blog you read? 
5.What is the number 1 product you think should be owned by all mothers/parents?
6. What is your star sign?
7. Do you have any tattoos? If so what are they?
8. Are you pro-dummy or anti-dummy?
9. What's your most-read blog?
10.What is your favourite clothing shop?
11.What perfume do you like to wear the most?

My nominees are:

Happy blogging! xoxo


  1. Hi Hayley! Thanks for nominating me :) I did this post a couple of weeks ago, but since you took the time to write the questions, I'll answer them for you here :)

    1. I bought some makeup things and no one was interested in them haha I wanted to share it with someone!
    2. It's a play off of Hollywood with my name instead-- Haleywood :)
    3. A haul from MAC and Chanel. I was really excited haha
    4. Meganheartsmakeup was the first vlog I discovered. I don't remember what blog was the first. It was so long ago!
    5. Kids. You can't be a mother/parent without those!
    6. Sagittarius... I think. That's a star sign right?
    7. No! I want to get a matching one with my sister though :)
    8. Am I dumb to say I don't know what that means?
    9. I would have to say blogs of people I've gotten to know through blogging. I read those more to keep up with them :)
    10. Oh gosh. So many good ones!! But I'll narrow it down to J Crew and Topshop
    11. Miss Dior though I've been loving Fabulous from Isaac Mizrahi lately

    1. thanks for answering x quesion number 8, dummy means pacifier maybe you'd call it that? x

  2. Love reading these! So interesting :)

    Rebecca x | Ze Makeup | Bloglovin
